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Hi guy- Eskip leader
Hi guy- Eskip leader's picture

wow a witch spawned in my base and my base had like 100 torch

Dante Verry Che...
Dante Verry Cherry Spartacus's picture

XD tough bastard

Karan's picture

Eber burnt a witch??

Try it 

I did it by capturing it in a glass chamber

It starts drinking healing potions and in the end fire resistance

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

Karan CEO-LMS Stadium wrote:

Eber burnt a witch??

Try it 

I did it by capturing it in a glass chamber

It starts drinking healing potions and in the end fire resistance

well...that happens. -_- also torches are broken in this game. Oh And random Creepers blow up when they're at the other side of your walls where you can't even see them. Basically tons of things are broken in PoC.

Pizza grll
Pizza grll's picture
PoC Master
PoC Master's picture

Witches can spawn everywhere in the world except range in 3 chunks from the Spawn Zones.

Hi guy- Eskip leader
Hi guy- Eskip leader's picture

PoC Master, even in my lit up house?

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

PoC Master wrote:

Witches can spawn everywhere in the world except range in 3 chunks from the Spawn Zones.

But hostile mobs are not meant to spawn in high light levels such as an area with lots of torches, right? Because we're getting monsters in our brightly lit areas.

Spearize's picture

Basically Bossy Bertha spawned in your house

Voltage's picture

 Thats why u should always carry a bucket of milk.

Hi guy- Eskip leader
Hi guy- Eskip leader's picture