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Aʟᴇxᴀɴᴅᴇʀ Ворон...
Aʟᴇxᴀɴᴅᴇʀ Воронскийолень's picture

ደካማዎችን, ጥፋትን ይገድላሉ, ደካማዎችን ይንከባከቡ, በደካሞች ላይ ምህረትን አታሳዩ, ደካሞችን ይንከባከቧቸው, ደካማውን ምልጃ ስጧቸው, ለእነርሱ ምሕረት ካሳያችሁ, ለአንተ አይሰጡንም, ወደ እባቡም ጣላቸው , አንቆርጦስ ደካሞችን ያጠፋል, ለ ξ ያዋስኗቸው, ለጳጳሱ ስጧቸው, ደም ወደ አሬስ የሚያመራን መንገድ, የአሸናፊነት ፕሬዚዳንት እንደ አሻንጉሊት, ሰንሰለቱን ይጠብቁ, ሀገርን በጦርነት ለማጥቃት, እኛ እራሳችንን መስዋዕት አድርገን እንሰራለን, ሁላችንም ጭራቆች ነን, እኛ ጠንካራ እና ደካማ, እናም ደካማ የሆነውን ምን እንደሆነ እናውቃለን.

ሁሉንም ይሙሉ 

Solo-4or-life's picture

In English pls

Aʟᴇxᴀɴᴅᴇʀ Ворон...
Aʟᴇxᴀɴᴅᴇʀ Воронскийолень's picture
ΔηGεł øf Δηάясну̀
ΔηGεł øf Δηάясну̀'s picture

Pointless if no one can understand. 

Aʟᴇxᴀɴᴅᴇʀ Ворон...
Aʟᴇxᴀɴᴅᴇʀ Воронскийолень's picture

ΔηGεł øf Δηάясну̀,I know you understand.  ;)

ΔηGεł øf Δηάясну̀
ΔηGεł øf Δηάясну̀'s picture

Aʟᴇxᴀɴᴅᴇʀ Воронскийолень, eh, survival of the fittest. Sounds good to me. Strong become stronger and the weak are eliminated. 

Solo-4or-life's picture

Ok in English it say

If you show mercy to them, do not give it to you, throw them to the snake, Antonus will lose the weak, tie them to the priest, give them to the pope, the path that leads to blood, the leader of the victorious, the president of the victorious. Watch as a puppet, watch the chains, fight the country against war, we sacrifice ourselves, we are all monsters, we know what is strong and weak, and what is weak. Fill in all

Solo-4or-life's picture

Ok I am scared of this guy now HE IS CREEPY 

Solo-4or-life's picture

Google always help;) 

ϟϟJohnHyper12 ϟϟ
ϟϟJohnHyper12 ϟϟ's picture

i dont even understand a single word it's saying , bro please tranclate it 



Solo-4or-life's picture

ϟϟ Jøhñ Rūbïk RêVēÑgÉ ϟϟ, I already translate it in English but If you show mercy to them, do not give it to you, throw them to the snake, Antonus will lose the weak, tie them to the priest, give them to the pope, the path that leads to blood, the leader of the victorious, the president of the victorious. Watch as a puppet, watch the chains, fight the country against war, we sacrifice ourselves, we are all monsters, we know what is strong and weak, and what is weak. Fill in all

Ω Harley Ω
Ω Harley Ω's picture


Solo-4or-life's picture

Ω Harley Ω,Yep. 

ֆนֆɦıƦԾレレ's picture

Every speech requires at least 1 meme

Deputy of River...
Deputy of RiverClan - Eliezer3838's picture


ㅎLemonㅎ's picture

We must create an civilisation that the Plague we spread will start from but will not harm us.

Aʟᴇxᴀɴᴅᴇʀ Ворон...
Aʟᴇxᴀɴᴅᴇʀ Воронскийолень's picture

We are the way for you to be strong, Survival of the fittest.


אתה חלש, אתה צריך להקריב כך החזק לא יתערבב איתך.

אבל אולי הסוף שלך יהיה התחלה של סיבה גדולה יותר?

בדיוק כמו שאנחנו לרפא את עצמנו עם ארס של נחש


Great meme btw. 

CallMeLuis's picture

Aʟᴇxᴀɴᴅᴇʀ Воронскийолень, you are correct (oh and the meme is funny to)

个人Đēāťh_Çøffīñ人个's picture

Hahaha hahaha Frogs fuck 

SSSandyyy's picture

Social Darwinism

Voltage's picture

This is just a game geez.

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

ϟ.ϟϟJøĥήVøltáĝȩ8Í9ϟϟ.ϟ ΩBǾĐΩ wrote:

This is just a game geez.

It's a game with a dramatic toxic community though.

Aʟᴇxᴀɴᴅᴇʀ Ворон...
Aʟᴇxᴀɴᴅᴇʀ Воронскийолень's picture
Aʟᴇxᴀɴᴅᴇʀ Ворон...
Aʟᴇxᴀɴᴅᴇʀ Воронскийолень's picture

तुम शुद्ध नहीं हो तुम अच्छे नहीं हो। तुम बुरे हो, तुम एक राक्षस हो, भगवान आप सभी से नफरत करता है, हम भगवान हैं, आप कमजोर हैं, मैं मजबूत हूँ। सुशी लड़ नहीं सकती, पुरानी खबरें। भालू सोचता है कि उसकी खान सबसे अच्छी है लेकिन वह गलत है, हम सभी बुराई हैं, हम शैतान हैं।

आप लूसिफर हैं।
तुम बहुत क्रूर हो।
आप बुरे हो।
तुम कैओस हो
आप मजबूत हैं।
आप भगवान हैं।

तुम कमजोर हो।
तुम नरम हो
तुम डरते हो
तुम शांति हो
तू तो गया।

CallMeLuis's picture
ֆนֆɦıƦԾレレ's picture

Aʟᴇxᴀɴᴅᴇʀ Воронскийолень, Don't talk shit, stick to making speeches you cheeky bastard. you're not slick by saying it in a different language.

个人Đēāťh_Çøffīñ人个's picture
Solo-4or-life's picture

Aʟᴇxᴀɴᴅᴇʀ Воронскийолень wrote:  You are not pure You are not good. You are bad, you are a monster, God hates you all, we are God, you are weak, I am strong. Sushi can not fight, old news The bear thinks that his Khan is the best but he is wrong, we are all evil, we are the devil. You are Lucifer. you are a monster. You are bad You are Chaos You are strong you are God. You are weak You are soft You are scared You are peace you are dead.

तुम शुद्ध नहीं हो तुम अच्छे नहीं हो। तुम बुरे हो, तुम एक राक्षस हो, भगवान आप सभी से नफरत करता है, हम भगवान हैं, आप कमजोर हैं, मैं मजबूत हूँ। सुशी लड़ नहीं सकती, पुरानी खबरें। भालू सोचता है कि उसकी खान सबसे अच्छी है लेकिन वह गलत है, हम सभी बुराई हैं, हम शैतान हैं।

आप लूसिफर हैं।
तुम बहुत क्रूर हो।
आप बुरे हो।
तुम कैओस हो
आप मजबूत हैं।
आप भगवान हैं।

तुम कमजोर हो।
तुम नरम हो
तुम डरते हो
तुम शांति हो
तू तो गया।

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

Solo-4or-life wrote:

Aʟᴇxᴀɴᴅᴇʀ Воронскийолень wrote:  You are not pure You are not good. You are bad, you are a monster, God hates you all, we are God, you are weak, I am strong. Sushi can not fight, old news The bear thinks that his Khan is the best but he is wrong, we are all evil, we are the devil. You are Lucifer. you are a monster. You are bad You are Chaos You are strong you are God. You are weak You are soft You are scared You are peace you are dead.

तुम शुद्ध नहीं हो तुम अच्छे नहीं हो। तुम बुरे हो, तुम एक राक्षस हो, भगवान आप सभी से नफरत करता है, हम भगवान हैं, आप कमजोर हैं, मैं मजबूत हूँ। सुशी लड़ नहीं सकती, पुरानी खबरें। भालू सोचता है कि उसकी खान सबसे अच्छी है लेकिन वह गलत है, हम सभी बुराई हैं, हम शैतान हैं।

आप लूसिफर हैं।
तुम बहुत क्रूर हो।
आप बुरे हो।
तुम कैओस हो
आप मजबूत हैं।
आप भगवान हैं।

तुम कमजोर हो।
तुम नरम हो
तुम डरते हो
तुम शांति हो
तू तो गया।

it self conflicts itself though. Also this is Hindi?

Solo-4or-life's picture

BlueTangs Rock3, Yes this is hindi

Kieranb's picture

Some religious stuff? I'm confused what happened to the survival on poc part? xD

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

Kieranb wrote:

Some religious stuff? I'm confused what happened to the survival on poc part? xD

It became too dramatic since probably over half a year ago, and just turned into this.

Spearize's picture

So pepe is going to take my soul 



BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture


So pepe is going to take my soul 



he can do a pretty good job at it though! xD

Alexandra's picture

Stay Cheeki Brekki #thelifeofboris

-LINK-'s picture

I get it and im not mad. Made to forgive. The power to not care about evil and the - people of it. Stay positive+ my friends.

                                                            P.s NEED WORKERS FOR 
