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v7thSharkv's picture

So I just got killed in my own base by two nazis. Their names are in the screenshot. Can't they get banned already?!?!?

HoS MinerGIRL C... (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Sounds like you could use someone who likes fighting! See I warned you, I just don't think it's right to rely on rules to keep yourself alive, you should be prepared ahead of your enemies, know their plans and fight when you need to!


HoS MinerGIRL C... (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

What's the point in having the ability to chose if your just going to be banished for making a choice that is not convenient for others


HoS MinerGIRL C... (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

If you want to survive you should stop relying on rules and just make things go your way, no matter what it takes

v7thSharkv's picture

LostBoyDX, cool bud

Enes Mirca
Enes Mirca's picture