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POCAdmin1's picture

Guys, we had a wonderful Halloween, celebrating it in the game. And we want to ask - did you like it?
Tell us, what great things did you like and should they be repeated in our game? Perhaps you have more ideas for the next holidays?

Thank you for being there! <3

Andre-YT's picture

I liked it alot! You should do that now every Year! Just work next Halloween Update on more Texture Changes in the Halloween Texture Pack! And let the Mob Spawners in the Halloween Update finally working! An other cool Halloween Thing would be that we can put the Skeleton-Zombie Head on the ground and the Developers put them on Mainspawn too! For the next Christmas Update would an Christmas Texture Pack be cool! And maybe you can add an Icebear for the Icebiomes+Spawn Egg for him? More Suggestions i dont know for the Christmas Update cant wait to see the other ideas from the Developers! But add the Menu from last Christmas Update back+The Mainspawn!

ALITTARY's picture

Yes was very cool I especially enjoyed the cool Halloween edition Spanish spawn some those twisty obsidian branches.and like Andre said the Halloween texture pack could use a bit more textures and we would love mob spawned being usable and spawning maybe zombies,spiders and creepers. I love being able to farm creepers as tnt is one of the hardest things to collect in the game other than enches which of course are supposed to be hard compared to tnt. I would like it if creepers always dropped at least 1 gunpowder so many of them don't and it takes forever to get just 5 pieces. Other than that great Halloween I got some pictures to share in a later post from the Halloween event.

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

The Turkeys from WoC should be added in PoC in a Thanksgiving update

The Lich
The Lich's picture

BlueTangs Rock3, chickens should be turned to turkeys.

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

The Lich wrote:

BlueTangs Rock3, chickens should be turned to turkeys.

not too sure about that, I would prefer them to be separate mobs like in WoC, though maybe Solverlabs could update the turkey mob's mechanics a bit to not make them just a chicken re-skin like they were in WoC, so example turkeys could have higher feather drop rates which would be useful for arrow crafting, or turkeys could be able to defend themselves from certain mobs (probably not to players though) that attack them such as zombies or spiders as wild turkeys are actually able to stand a chance in a fight IRL. Though if they don't do anything special with turkeys, and they just exported WoC turkeys into PoC code, then that'ld be fine as well.