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۰Kian۰'s picture

What happened to forums?

HAZEM's picture


heat it up (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

North Korea took over 

Røyal BløøđØ Řa... (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Lmao Great Minds Think Alike 

Aɳαtσℓყ V -1922-
Aɳαtσℓყ V -1922-'s picture

I think it probably got hacked.

Enderr's picture

Anatøly, No no no. It was Eliezer's Breath

Aɳαtσℓყ V -1922-
Aɳαtσℓყ V -1922-'s picture

EnderDaBestNingen,Might be true. Its radioactive

Ω Harley Ω
Ω Harley Ω's picture

A Ddos attack maybe?

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

It was broken for like 3 1/2 days or something...

RedTangs Rock3
RedTangs Rock3's picture

What happened was they were fixing the forums plus I really dont care what u guys say about me cause im just a peaceful player

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

xUOTUx-Eliezer3838 wrote:

What happened was they were fixing the forums plus I really dont care what u guys say about me cause im just a peaceful player

I don't see anything fixed on the Forums other than it being back online...

RedTangs Rock3
RedTangs Rock3's picture

They prob are working on something maybe the update