Hi I'm TROLLJK I'm creating a group on AMAZON UNDERGROUND and I was wondering if anyone would like to join me and fight against the evil players that kill noobs for no reason and get away with it.
1.no killing noobs for no reason(or anyone)
2.Please do not give away our bases cords(escpasily are wip underground one)we will have many bases of all types including sky ,undergroud ,above ground, and sea bases if you wish to join please notify me in the comments and if you do join add wof to your name (preferred at the beginning)
We are changing to the warriors the defender's may be our allies
If you have any questions just ask
(We are not evil)
3.pumpkin head
4. Lava/Obsdion king
Downloadable Images:
Hey! Have you already started the work on your bases? Put screenshots to Forum and show your base (of course hide cords)!
Olga,I got attacked by mobs while making my base it's gonna be the underground one hopefully I can find a cave for it
Sounds cool!! Good luck brothers!!
Killing noobs is actually fun lmao
But its not nice hahaha you should help ppl. Noob killing is a sign of immaturity brother :)Kianism Kek,
HAKUIN, If we dont kill noobs they always follow us and keep on hitting us annoyingly
Kianism Kek, I know what you mean brother I'm sorry you just gotta plan your Escape LOL or go somewhere where there is no people before you leave like head to a deserted town before you leave
HAKUIN, Thats good lmao
I said no killing for no reason that does not mean absolutely no killing noobs
TROLLJK, Okay i wont kill noobs, can i join your Clan?
Kianism Kek,sure the more the better I will meet you at 0,0 and pm u the base cords
TROLLJK, it's not the fact that they are noobs that makes you want to kill them it's the fact that they will kill u if you don't, therefore your silly defending yourself
Simply defending yourself*
HoS MinerGirL,I don't care if they kill noobs for crying out. Loud I use to kill noobs all the time just if the noob hits them they can kill them if not no
Me can join ur clan?
Kievan Rus,sure what is ur game user name ill meet you at 0,0 and add WoF to ur name and you in
TROLLJK, I want to ally your team
HoS MinerGirL,this is a Amazon underground team if your team is on Amazon underground then sure
if you have Joined my team listen we have a traitor in our ranks if he attacks you kill him if he kills you tell me he will be kicked out of the clan his user name is tredish remember watch him carefully
Remember change to xWx
WoF TROLLJK, mate just PM me the cords and ill come myself
Kianism Kek, Cant find it.. this place is messed up
Kianism Kek,what device are u on
xWx TROLLJK, I'm Right now at the cords you gave me, can we meet?
Kianism Kek,dude if ur on Amazon there should be a base
Good luck my friend. Make em all take the ..are you a nazi test lol.....WoF TROLLJK, i wish you peace :)
Hey! I am going to your base now! :)
Guys, i have just visited Warriors Clan. Thanks to xWx TROLLJK for telling me the coordinates of the clan's base!
The clan is perspective. There are small base on the ground, but underground you find more bigger base with rooms, and way to caves and more things, explore by yourself :) The base is similar to Defenders i think :)
So below you can find the screenshots of the Warriors Clan's base! Enjoy!
Also i want to wish Warriors nd everybody in general : happy playing time and developing your base! All the best!

Good job Warriors from The Defenders :-) have a great day
pocadmin,lol and u didn't even see the iron I got from the caves and we are gonna make a sky base eventually
pocadmin,we are currently making a sky base if u wanna see it ill message u the cords
xWx TROLLJK, okay. yes, i would love to see it.
pocadmin,I'm gonna build the sky base today
Dear warriors today is a sad day we lost our vice leader and 2 other members but do not remember them because they started acting like jerks in the end LONG LIVE THE WARRIORS (members user names that left modz tred and fresh)
turns out fresh is still in
xWx TROLLJK,i want to join i got rabbit root for everyone. Rabbit foot add 3 health
EYESIS,ok sure ill meet u at 0:0 or maybe a dif warrior just be careful we are in a evilish stage and we on Amazon
Can someone please p.m. me the server and cords of the new defenders clan base I realy want to join but I can't get discord but I do have Facebook messenger
Hyeenadon,this is the warriors we are allies of the defender's who are on the Google play server while we are on the Amazon server
The Villiage Hidden In the Cubes is now taking members - come enjoy a clan that takes care of their own. We are currently going to work off the Google Play server. Interested? Let me know.
Hey I posted this in the wrong forum! Sorry no disrespect intended!
VirgoUnitis,hello. :)
Hey troll it's me modz I helped u build the warriors base how u doing wanna meet up at 0,0