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-LINK-'s picture

Private chests are a great idea but I think the player should have the ability to move his or her private chest to a picked chunk of there choosing. Let me know people if its a good idea.

POCAdmin's picture

Ok, so when someone will attack you - you will put all your valuable resources to the private chest, right? I think that private chests in the spawn zone is better idea!

Black Pope-TA
Black Pope-TA's picture

pocadmin, i agree

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

pocadmin,though keep in mind,when you die,you only loose 50% of your items anyways.

Helen-TA's picture

Private chest=trash

- Jackson -
- Jackson -'s picture

Helen-TA wrote:

Private chest=trash

U are Trash ._. ........

NINGEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Ender's picture

I hate chests :D

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

But I like the private chests,now nobody could steal my things.

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

BlueTangs Rock3,now the question,can private chests have more space slots then chests to make up the fact that you can't craft them. Also are private chests like the Ender chests in MineCraft,where the things you put in one Ender chest would also be in any other Ender chest in the game's world? For instance, I put something in a private chest at a spawn,then went to another spawn to go to another private chest,whould everything I put in the other chest be in that one too?

POCAdmin's picture

BlueTangs Rock3, yes, you can access your items and blocks putted in one private chest in each spawn zones!

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture
Minecraftocelot2's picture


BlueTangs Rock3, yes, you can access your items and blocks putted in one private chest in each spawn zones!

The only bad thing about them is that there is so little space to put resorses in

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

Minecraftocelot2,true, I wish that there was an almost infinite amount of spaces,and how you can find your items in the chest is that after you pass the amount of slots a normal chest has,it'll create a new page of space with the same number of storage spots,and there'll be an almost infinite amount of pages you can make your chest get,and once you get rid of all items from all slots of an individual page,that page will delete,and there will be one less page. Since Private chests act exactly like an Ender Chest from MineCraft, I think that the private chest should be craft-able,so we can have a private chest in our bases,and private chests should be minable(with a diamond pickaxe),since all private chests can save the things you put in a different one,there's no disadvantage for making it minable,so it won't be as "unbalanced" as my original "Locked Chests" suggestion,and it'll be more like an Ender Chest from MineCraft. it can be crafted by 4 iron blocks,4 obsidian,and 1 ghast tear. I would like to see these features in the private chests! :D

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Anonymous's picture

Got it

- Jackson -
- Jackson -'s picture

Raydermus, Cool profilepicture lol xD