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-LINK-'s picture

I can't download poc in play store

Zerow's picture

Download a apk

-๓σ๔չ-'s picture


ᎠᎪᏒᏦ sᎪᏉᎪᎶᎬ's picture


-LINK-'s picture

Anyone know why they removed the game from app store

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

-LINK- wrote:

Anyone know why they removed the game from app store

they probably didn't remove it themselves, Google Play possibly removed it, as prior to this, both PoC and WoC had like 3 apps duplicates of themselves; Planet of Cubes, Planet Craft, and Planet Survival Multiplayer for PoC, and World of Cubes, WorldCraft2, and WorldCraft for WoC. Notice how now there's currently one more app of both games left on the Play Store; Planet Craft for PoC and WorldCraft for WoC? Maybe it was Google Play's attempt to remove the duplicate apps, and keep one, single version of both games on there, either that or Google Play just hasn't removed the last 2 Solverlabs apps from the Play Store yet. I doubt that this was SolvrrSolve doing as they benefit with multiple apps that all lead to the same server, as it leads to more widespread discovery of the game, as well as alt accounts for existing players, more downloads, and more ad revenue until you get enough coins to disable ads.

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

BlueTangs Rock3, *Solverlab's* not "SolvrrSolve"

۰Kian۰'s picture
