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POCAdmin's picture

Hey all!

If you have a clan and a base. Tell me your coordinates and the description of your clan. I will make a video about you, so your clan will have a chance to get more members.

I will hide coordinates of your base. So don't worry about it.

-☬-TROLLJK-☬-'s picture

K I'll send you a message

POCAdmin's picture


MinerGirL's picture

pocadmin, ok


MrClean's picture

I am Phantom_Assassin you should know me pocadmin i would like you to see but the base is not so good like thc or ghe id say ghe wants there base the best our base isnt good besides the house i made for some other ppl and me and my friends added rooms underground so i am asking my clan leaders wolfmasterking or tuo????? if i can add appliances to improve the base and make sure to block coords id hate ppl raiding us

MrClean's picture

Oh nvm you said you'll block coords :D