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J-Dog HU
J-Dog HU's picture

Lol he thought he was gonna make a fake base and raid me. Sorry buddy but i have eyes and ears everywhere and i learned about your little plan. Good try tho

The Lich
The Lich's picture

Oh woww, you got me there.


One thing I do love is how I say 'you trust to easily' right before I get killed. Very ironic.


We had the same plan. You were just the one to kill me first. Well played.

J-Dog HU
J-Dog HU's picture

Scørpiøn,thats true. I never trusted u from the beginning nor liked u. This was just easy loot lol and the loot wasnt even good

The Lich
The Lich's picture

King Buu, If we were both planning this, both waiting for eachother to make good loot, did you really expect anything good? Lmfao

Pariֆ's picture

When I look at this I see a little game played by two puppets. One Puppet thinks he is the doom of GHE and a Conqueror but is actually which all the GHE and Russian scumbags look down as an failed leader. The other one is openly a puppet of GHE

The Lich
The Lich's picture

La Vérité, You are worse then Harley ffs

Pariֆ's picture

Scørpiøn,Harley's a two-faced whore. She crawls in your arms and acts all soft untill she learns your soft spot

Probably majority of the people don't even know she is living a secret romance with Lemon..


I am just spreading the truth so others can see.

The Lich
The Lich's picture

La Vérité, We all think that lmao

J-Dog HU
J-Dog HU's picture

La Vérité,well bud ur looking at it the wrong way. I can only be considered a failed leader if my clan died, and BoD is far from dead. Also i never claimed to be the doom of anyone or a conqueror. I dont like being raided all my hard work so i wont go out of my way to hurt innocents. My focus is my enemys

个人Đēāťh_Çøffīñ人个's picture

XD what's going on ?

heat it up (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

个人Đēāťh_Çøffīñ人个, THE ARISTOCATS ARE REBELLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Lich
The Lich's picture