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Dante Verry Che...
Dante Verry Cherry Spartacus's picture

Oi everyone my tablet is literally gone it's in a electronic coma DX maybe forever and I have nothing to play poc with so if you need or want me I'ma be on worldcraft I'll be at Oldcastle I'ma go home XDX I miss role-playing well when I get a new tablet or something I'll come back for now the meta is offline for awhile probably if ya need help or have questions for me send a message and ya bye guys P.S. this is no joke

Aɳαtσℓყ V -1922-
Aɳαtσℓყ V -1922-'s picture

I'm going back to yelling people at Xbox

Dante Verry Che...
Dante Verry Cherry Spartacus's picture

Anatøly,Same I just hooked my Xbox one to my computer screen XD I like computer screen better I get to get close as I want and people can't look over my shoulder XD

Spearize's picture

So i have to protect your friends 

Jenna and shiko and the others...  :/

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

-Ķøhåķů- wrote:

So i have to protect your friends 

Jenna and shiko and the others...  :/

He protecc

He attacc

Most most importantly, he Kohakk-u

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

BlueTangs Rock3, (it's a meme reference) xD

Spearize's picture