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BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

Springtrap the Zebra is the leader of the ZXE Clan,I met him on one of my recent travels,they are a nice,moderately rich clan with 20 members,and lots of cool structures. Also they're currently a GHE neutral clan(because they didn't know about their existence until I interacted with their clan,and informed them about GHE,Kievan Rus,and the Forums,mainy because they live VERY far out even past the 55,000s,though they have a few "huts" way closer at around the 15,000s). So yeah. ZXE is a clan. I think it's cool that there was an unknown Clan that far out,what do you guys think about them? :D

-☬-TROLLJK-☬-'s picture

I think that's the 2nd one discovered this year

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

TROLLJK wrote:

I think that's the 2nd one discovered this year

what was the first?

Dante Verry Che...
Dante Verry Cherry Spartacus's picture

Blue Tang u mean mist clan .-. XD the clan hidden in the mountains far away? XD

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

New THE META 2.0 wrote:

Blue Tang u mean mist clan .-. XD the clan hidden in the mountains far away? XD

No,the ZXE,they have their base underground in a Jungle biome

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

New THE META 2.0,good one,Lol

Dante Verry Che...
Dante Verry Cherry Spartacus's picture

Oh ok XP I like mist clan better there only 17 of them and the don't go anywhere near 20000:20000 they stay around 30,00:24,000

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

New THE META 2.0 wrote:

Oh ok XP I like mist clan better there only 17 of them and the don't go anywhere near 20000:20000 they stay around 30,00:24,000

oh,ok. ZXE claimed that they only started building "huts" around the 15,000s a few months ago,and that they were a clan since November 2016, starting their first months traveling in the same direction until they made it to their main base location.

Dante Verry Che...
Dante Verry Cherry Spartacus's picture

Haven't seen them in awhile I wonder if there still around XD

Dante Verry Che...
Dante Verry Cherry Spartacus's picture

I'm pretty sure I was the first person to make it to 10,000:10,000 XD

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

New THE META 2.0 wrote:

I'm pretty sure I was the first person to make it to 10,000:10,000 XD

if you didn't make it there a couple months after November 2016,supposedly not. Lol

Dante Verry Che...
Dante Verry Cherry Spartacus's picture

Maybe idk XD

Dante Verry Che...
Dante Verry Cherry Spartacus's picture

Idk when I made it to 10,000:10,000 XD wavy helped me tho

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

New THE META 2.0 wrote:

Idk when I made it to 10,000:10,000 XD wavy helped me tho

oh, I heard of wavy in the background of the Forums,what are they like? Lol

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

I just hope GHE doesn't mess them up.

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

Since there's more people online,I'll refresh the news

The Lich
The Lich's picture