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Candy01's picture

Plz tell me how to find Iron? I need to craft Armor...crying

POCAdmin's picture

Hey! Its better to search in caves! Or just dig down, Iron Ores are usually located deeper, then Coal Ores! 

Trying Things
Trying Things's picture

is there any way to tell what level we are on while digging?

POCAdmin's picture

Hey trying things, unfortunately, you can't for now! Why do you need this feature? 

Trying Things
Trying Things's picture

Thanks for the response pocadmin, mostly for my own curiousity to see if there was certain levels that diamonds and other types of ore (and lava!) were more likely to occur on. Also thought it might be easier to connect disjointed tunnels together as well.


Olga's picture

I like your idea Trying Things!

BlueTangsRock's picture

Diamonds generate at Elevations,15-to 1 blocks above bedrock,and lava mostly generates at elevations 10 above bedrock,to bedrock level(lava replaces all natural air blocks starting by elevation 10,and goes downward).it seems like almost,to all blocks in this game,generates,in similar,ways,and same elevations,as the ones in Minecraft. Also iron can generate from elevations,67-1 blocks above bedrock level.

BlueTangsRock's picture

Diamonds are best found at 12 blocks above bedrock,and iron is best to find at sea level(63),and belo(in elevations,64,65,and 66,they get rarer and rarer,until 67,then that's where they're the rarest at.

BlueTangsRock's picture

I meant below,not belo! xD