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Raven-heart's picture

Hey guys i wont be on forum much as im going on holiday celebrating end of exams.


8 A's and 1 B! 


Woop woop. See ya  

-LINK-'s picture

Good job. Keep up the hard work.. Knowledge is power.  Knowledge created the dollar keep in mind ;)

Spearize's picture

My bro finished exams the last 2 weeks im not sure about his score

Raven-heart's picture

Phantom_Assassin, whatever result people get.. always a good wxcuse for a pi** up! Wahey. Love my poc friends 

- Jackson -
- Jackson -'s picture

Raven, My end grades are 91,3%

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture
-☬-TROLLJK-☬-'s picture

BlueTangs Rock3,What are yall end High School I have been out for weeks

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

-EN-TROLLJK,I'm not even in highschool yet,my first year at one won't be for another 2 months.

-☬-TROLLJK-☬-'s picture

BlueTangs Rock3,Still older then me I dont have exams in my school