Have you ever wondered how come your character can move freely with NOTHING to carry the inventory? Today I gather some superpowers that Poc skins have. 1. Super strength. Let's do some math. You know the density of gold: 19.32 g/m3. 1 block of gold weight 19.32×8= 154.56 gram. 1 enchanted golden apple weight 154.56×8= 1,2 kg( apple weight doesn't count) Each slot carry 64 apples 1,2×64=76.8 kgs ( that's a lot) Your inventory have 36 slots: 76.8×36=2764.8 kg! I didn't count the armor. That's a lot. Poc skins can carry that much without troubles in moving, working, and you see nothing. It's the power of Mr.Incredible and Ant-man. 2. Oxygen sucks. Poc skin can live underground or in height, where oxygen are rare. But as long as you have food, it doesn't care how much air. Here's an another example: if you studied chemistry, you would probably heard that burning coal releases CO ( not CO2) which can cause serious blood freeze and cause death. But you can freely burn coal in poc, closed places without any health problems. 3. Thirst sucks. Never get thirsty, whatever the conditions. In the hot desert? It can live for years without a single drop of water. All it need is food. 4. Super fast recovery. Even if you get to 0.5 health, that can be quickly recovered simply by maximize your hunger bar. If you are injured 95% like that, a meal will never be enough. 5. Variable body temperature. ANY biomes: hot or cold, it doesn't care. It can live at all temperature. 6. Super working efficiency. If you play poc for 24 hours straight(real life) you would end up feeling dizzy and maybe fall asleep right away. A day in poc=20 min in real life. So 1 hour in RL=3 days in poc and 24 hours in RL= 72days in poc. After 72 days( with food), your character would still work great and be fine, as long as you don't let it fall into stupid situations. It is stronger at both physically and mentally, even if it's poisoned a lot. There is no sign of dizziness as all. 7. Toilets sucks. Eating raw food, rotten flesh, cooked food like a lot but never went to the toilet! If poisoned, all it need is a bucket of milk. The waste must have despawned inside. 8. Best food storage ever. If you leave a cooked porkchop in a fridge in real life, maybe a month later it would go nuts. But without any storage tools,you can store foods for 2 years in poc and it is still good to eat 9. Hand can break anything. Take it to the hardest substance: OBSIDIAN. Poc character take 5min to break it by hand( it drop nothing). Wow! Thanks to that you can survive. If it can't break wood by hand that's terrible. 10. What a great chemist! Poc skin can make some potions that don't exist in the real world like night vision, invisibility, regeneration( fast)How?
11. Making stuff from hard substances. Diamond swords, armors... how did he do that? He dont even have glue to stick the diamond to the stick or to make an armor. Lol!
That's all I can think of right now. Tell me if I missed any superpowers and talk: what if those superpowers are not activated in poc??? Below are some mathematics made... this thread will be updated whenever a power is found.
More... cannot be killed. You get kill and you respawn.
And last...
im confused
RedTangs Rock3, maybe BlueTang Rock3 can make it simpler