Hello guys!
Please take part in the poll. Let's decide here what style of mobs do you like more: cubic or realistic?
Feel free to add your comments below!
Hello guys!
Please take part in the poll. Let's decide here what style of mobs do you like more: cubic or realistic?
Feel free to add your comments below!
Realistic would be nice for the game in I only get to choose 1 out of 2. But I think you should merge them. Is there a 1:1 opinion?
More realistic
Realistic definitely! I missed those old 3D models from WoC, I would be very happy to see them make a comeback! Thank the almighty PoC Gods for this poll! :D
also fix the issue of mobs killing themselves in pens or dying in pens
RedTangs Rock3, sometimes there are mob wars. When that happen I drink potion of invisibility and watch, collecting drops!
Idk tbh i like the cubic models bc they fit in Well since this is a cubic game. But i also like the realistic
yeah, there prehaps should be an option for which mob model you see on screen, similar to a texturepack but for mob models. Many people including myself miss the old realistic mob models from old WoC, but these cubic models also have been around for a good 2.5 years or so, there should be some way to optionally choose which one you want to see at a given time, while both model styles are in the game, making everyone from both sides happy as it would add a new model style without taking one away, and creates a new in-game option to costumize to your liking.
BlueTangs Rock3, good idea!
BlueTangs Rock3,
Realistic. Also add blood. That will make killing more fun :)
Lord Alastor, and it could make the game to lose it’s E (everyone) certificate.
Kids wouldn’t like to see gross stuff like that.
not even MineCraft has a completely E rating, though rather E10+. Prehaps enabling blood could be a toggleable option that's disabled by default.
realistic but its a cubic game so idk
dfghjghfgdhj, merge between the two. Cubic look funnier.
Wait what! Did he ask us to swim in a pool of mob styles???
oof, typos get all of us. He meant poll btw.
nvm he fixed it.
Bring horse in next update..
Karan, horses have once been seen in woc. They are friendly mobs that drop leather when killed. It could be good to see them here, but not riding them.
WoC also has Turkeys and Pumpkin Heads, hopefully they'll be in PoC one day.
lol we don't need them.We need guns red stone mechanics updates which will make poc petter.
Poc needs horse bird fish as mob.Also witch mob should be removed.
Clans should be official.Everyone who wants should not create clan without permsion.
Realistic would be cool but both are awesome!!
they were never updated to the supposed new realistic 3D models, neither has most other mobs, at least not as of now.
I preferred the cubic, it was easier to see and more adorable. I wanted to capture and hunt it more when it was cubic.
Ocelots and wolves should also be more cubic, at least a bit.
I just hope they have an option similar to block texturepack options, where you can switch between cubic and realistic 3D mob models anytime you please, keeping both the cubic and realistic 3D models instead of just repeating WoC v2.5(when they removed all old realistic 3D models to replace them with the 3D mob models you would see in PoC, except considering the improvements for zombie, chicken, and wolf 3D models from previous PoC updates).
BlueTangs Rock3, Yeah that's a good idea