Hello everybody.
We will play Official Survival Games "Unite to Survive" last time for the event - on this Saturday at 5 pm by Florida Time.
Participanets of the event, remember: we will meet near Portals at COORDINATES that you received through Private Messages. We will start playing at 5pm by Florida time, don't be late! If you late - we can go far from Portals and you will not meet us.
Only players that downloaded the game from Google Play, Amazon (not Amazon Underground) , or Apple Store can join this event as we will have common game server.
Current approved participants: Cheyenne, v7thSharkv, BlueTangs Rock2, towsey, HAKUIN, BlitzScreen, xDx KuanYin, Mavric, Trying Things, trash, Steven Universe, TLC TROLLJK and other players from social pages.
To approved participants, please approve that you will join the event this Saturday through private message to pocplayer.
If you can't find yourself in the approved participants list, please write ADD ME in the comments below.
Guys i will be glad to see you on Saturday! Don't be late!
Download the Game Now, if you haven't done it yet!
what will happen after the games are done?
Dany, welcome on Planet of Cubes Forum!
after official survival games finished, you will know more players with whom you will be able to team up! :)
P.S. are you pro in Survival Mode or beginner?
pocadmin,I am somewhat pro
Dany,Ogh and btw i am trash's brother
Dany,Oh and btw i am trash's brother
Dany, ok, i will write you coordinates through messages :)
Why do u tease me and Steven
TDH TROLLJK, you wrote "ADD ME". I thought you can download google play version of the game. Is it possible or no?
pocadmin,it is possible I just don't have enough time
TDH TROLLJK, so please decide about your participation in the event, and tell me the result. Any way, we can play with you sometimes on Amazon Underground version of the game.
I just want to gather more players together for the event on Saturday
So if you can and have time, you are welcome to join :)
pocadmin,I can't
TDH TROLLJK, ok , pity to hear this. But any way we can play with you sometimes on Amazon Underground!
Dany and Trash thank you very much for the nice playing time together on Saturday 26!
Below you can find the pictures from the house we built together!
P.S. Now Official Survival Games "Unite to Survive" are finished!
I'm sorry I missed the last ones. I really want to join this one. Add me, please! Thank you! :D
Cheyenne, next event will be organized for amazon underground players soon!