Many people have heard about the Diamond Temple where you can get 80 diamond blocks, but not many people know how to find one or get all 80. I am sharing one way to find a diamond temple and how to get all 80 blocks (Remember it is just my way. If your clan leader taught you a better one you can share it or keep it to yourself, I don’t care.) It happened once that I found 21 diamond blocks in a raided temple. It shows knowing how to raid is also important. Now let’s start the topic.
1. So the first fact you need to know before you start is: all the lands with its Spawn zone are repeated. For example, this is two boats in a spawn zone.
SSSandyyy, I always knew that the terrain copies it's self,but it seems like the biome type,and Terrain area is based off the spawn zones,and what it's starting biome is. Similar to what type of npc village you get in MineCraft depends on what biome the village well is on.
2. This is a copy of the “boats spawn zone”. You can see they are exactly the same, but the coordinate is different.
3. The lands are also copied. These columns with a huge dead tree in the center are right to the east of a snow spawn zone which looks like 100: -100.
4. Yeah, this one is close to the main town
5. Now you can start looking for a diamond temple. Before you start, I highly recommend taking a diamond pickaxe and a diamond spade with you.
6. The KEY POINT of getting to a diamond temple is to find this SPAWN ZONE! Remember how it looks.
7. If you want to find an un-raided diamond temple, You GOTTA WALK VERY FAR. The portals can not take you to the unexplored village, so you need to walk for a long time.
8. You can recognize how the land of diamond temple looks like. The distinguishing figure is: oak trees and grass field.
9. Now go north, between the portal and this house.
I'm confuzzled or confused and slightly puzzled, these are zones where diamond temples are close by?
Sorry I didn't make it clear. Only the spawn zones with those "pink" houses have diamond temples. Not the ones with boats or snow. I was trying to explain how the map work.
Kieranb,it makes sense to me,and even proves,and adds more information that my old and deleted "Terrain is repeated" theory. So supposedly the biome,conditions,and terrain alignment is based off of certain spawn zones
BlueTangs Rock3, Yes, well the world is infinite, they could experiment with creating certain things and putting them all together, but making biomes at random coordinates is much easier, you'll notice there's an end to creative, you go there and there's nothing but green flat land, it's so awesome! But this is a quick way of just creating an infinite creative.
I think it's like this as all the stuff in creative is custom made, not randomly generated from files.....
10. First, you will walk through some pumpkins
11. Then a huge grass field
12. Keep walking north and you will see a hill with a pointy column on the top. Yeah, that’s the Diamond Temple we are looking for!
SSSandyyy ,I don't find the Stair
13. The way to go down is to find this four nither bricks in the center. The stair is on the south west side of this nither bricks.
i still cant find the stairs
14. Go down, look south you will see a wall. Dig into it!
15. Dig 3 blocks deep you will find yourself inside it!
16. Don’t get hurry taking the diamonds you see. Our goal is to get all 80. You could first block the hole you made to prevent zombies coming in. You just need to block one layer. Now let’s start from the northern side. The north wall is 3 blocks thick. You need to find the second layer and dig up a line from east to west.
17. You will dig a row of diamonds. When you hit the dirt, this row is complete. You should get 26 blocks by then.
18. Then at the end of this row, dig to the south. You can see a diamond lower to you. Likewise, dig a row. Spade will help you break the dirt faster. When you complete, you will get 40 altogether.
19. I dig the southern side with a different technique. First, find the lower diamond.
20. This is the row you dig. You can see the top diamonds on your side while digging the lower diamonds. Use a spade to break the dirt and get the blocks.
21. When you see 64+16 diamonds, this temple is complete! Find this door, go up the stairs.
22. The spawn zone is to its south. Mostly I put a cross in the grass field to mark this temple is raided, so other players will not waste their time searching it.
SSSandyyy, I did the same thing
CrazyEnderman16, i always had a question. do the diamonds in the temples respawn? because i raided the on that you had your coords on a few days ago
Ender,I thought u left the game lol
23. Lastly, according to the second richest player in Poc, the ex-Bløød Clan Leader, the east has more diamond temples than the west. Also, the map is possibly infinite or at least 1,000,000 to each direction. It doesn’t matter since no one has walked that far. You can surely find an un-raided temple as long as you walk far enough. If I wasn’t clear about how to dig, just remember all the diamonds line up in 4 rows.
24. The closest Diamond temple to the main town is 200: -150. Study that spawn zone may help you recognize and practice finding the temple.
then someone's gotta go to coordinates 1,000,000! If that's where the world's Terrain ends,then the world's 16,000,000×256×16,000,000 blocks big
BlueTangs Rock3, That takes a lot of time. I wonder how "the end of the world" looks like
SSSandyyy, I believe there's no end haha...... Well an end, but it will be a ridiculous number on coords as PoC takes up little space on a server (everything is just pixels!). The way it and Minecraft works is very complex and sort of tricky to explain, but basically of gets random information and loads that into the game, so it will keep adding more and more terrain from a pre-made file and just constantly add it..... So soooool many diamond temples. Lol
SSSandyyy, Nice! ;) Good job!
I always wonder who is the first one find the diamond temple. Are there other unexplored structures that you can find other kinds of valuable stuff?
Special thanks to 2 GHE members. They taught me the trick and helped me make this topic.
Liar! Ill explain how to find diamond temples.
You go under a tree.
You lick the tree
Instulius, xD
Instulius, XD
Why would you do that? Have you tried?
Thank you SO much! I have been walking for several hours and finally found an un-raided one!
EXCELLENT JOB EXPLAINING!! I think many of us have considered revealing it!! I AM GOING TO MAKE A VIDEO ABOUT IT LIKE MY BUDDY TUO DID ON YOUTUBE! ! A kind person taught us about it a few months ago. It is a good helpful thing to get 1 or 2 and be diamond rich lol xD good job sharing!!
Thank you SSSandyyy SJY#